There are monsters everywhere. Monsters are all around us all the time, but sometimes you have to look very closely to find them. I found Toby, the monster in the photo above, living inside of a foam mat. It's a foam mat that you place under your bed for extra comfort....So Toby is the monster under your bed.
Can you see Toby? The swirly circles are his eyes, and he has a little triangle nose. I am going to draw a picture of Toby soon. Maybe i will give it to him for his birthday, I think it's in December. His birthday is close to X-mas, so I have to think of two gifts to get him. It's not so easy.

My friend found this monster on the bottom of my t-shirt. I washed my hands and wiped them on the shirt, and this photo shows the wet spot. When the shirt is wet, it reveals the monster who lives inside it. His name is Motoaki. You can only see his right eye (the white dot) because he is closing his left eye to wink at you. the big white rectangle is his mouth. and he has tiny little legs. You can see his full right leg, but only half of his left. This is because he is bending part of his left leg and doing a yoga pose. It was morning, and he always does yoga in the morning. He is a very health conscious monster.
I didn't even know that he was living in my shirt until my friend pointed him out to me. Now whenever I am wearing that t-shirt and feeling lonesome, I just moisten it and he comes out to visit me.
Do you have photos of any monsters you have met? Please send them to me.